MiG-23 swing wing soviet fighter
MiG-23 swing wing soviet fighter
The MiG-23 is a variable geometry aircraft developed by the former Soviet Union, the MiG-23 was the first variable geometry fighter developed in the world, the F-111 was the first operational variable geometry aircraft though. The MiG-23 was designed as a variable geometry wing fighter with beyond visual range armament. The MiG-23 was greatly influenced by the F-111 and the F-4 however shows the design trends of the 1960s specially if we consider other aircraft programs such as the Mirage G or the Mirage Balzac.
Syrian MiG-23 wreckage
Syrian MiG-23 wreckage 
Israeli AAA and F-16s shot down at least 16 MiG-23BN. The MiG-23 has had a relatively unsuccessful carreer, the MiG-23 losses surpass more than one hundred MiG-23 destroyed during combat operations, while its claimed victories are fewer than 50 enemy aircraft destroyed by MiG-23s, nevertheless the MiG-23 faired well versus fighters in the class of the F-5, Mirage F1 or F-4. The main reason for the destruction of more than one hundred MiG-23s was the total destruction of the Iraqi MiG-23 fleet either during air to air combat, destruction on the ground or abandonment and neglect by the Iraqies. However despite many MiG-23s were destroyed by enemy fighters not all were MiG-23 dedicated fighter variants but the radarless MiG-23BN attack version.